Back from Cameroon

Saturday 9 July……6.30 am we land at Brussels Airport. Excactly 30 min. earlier. Relieved, joy, feeling free….

There were no severe checks. we passed the customs very quickly, since we’re EU residents. Then we walked to the lugage belt, it took a while but at the end we had all lugage. Thinking that now severe security checks would take place……..Yeahhhhhh absolutely no checks, we just walked to the arrival hall. There were some friends of Marjolein and her mother. Such a nice moment. πŸ™‚ πŸ˜›

at the cafetaria we drunk coffee, but when I walked to the toilets it was Freek standing at the arrivals!! He came to Brussels to pick me up!! Such a surprise.
At least accompany in the train to The Netherlands.

We bought a train ticket and left Belgium for what it was. It’s crazy….but I know at what time everything leaves and arrives. 11.50 am we already arrived at The Hague HS. So amazing….so fast, so easy, so safe…..! πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚

At the railway station my cousin (Rina) picked us up. Easy over freeways and junctions I was brought home. I’m amazed to see how much everything has changed during the 4 months. New infrastructure, different vegetation and get used to the custom. It will take some time.

Healthy and fit without jet lag. I think this Saturday I have to settle down. Probably for a longer time.

4 months Africa…..1 day The Netherlands…a big difference. A lot of things have to change in Africa but also in the west (for example The Netherlands).

Let’s hope things will change. With the attacks in London I doubt that sometimes, but take Live 8 which brought Africa in the news.

Helping the continent Africa now is the hope for the future and for a better world. What’s right, what’s wrong? Today is wrong the future is right, just when you fight for it πŸ˜‰

reporting from The Netherlands πŸ˜›

Beste lezers van m’n dagboek,

De afgelopen tijd heb ik erg veel reacties gehad op m’n site. Hier ben ik erg blij mee, want daardoor miste ik alles toch wel minder en had ik het idee toch in contact met jullie te staan. Alle lezers, mensen berichten hebben gepost en natuurlijk aan degenen die op m’n verjaardag πŸ˜‰ berichtjes hebben geplaatst……..die wil ik allemaal via deze weg bedanken.

Dis dan ook al weer het laatste berichtje. Tja aan alles komt wel is een eind πŸ˜‰ Bij een volgende keer hoop ik dat er net zo wordt gereageerd op m’n dagboek πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Waar en wanneer das nog de vraag……de ervaring was zo erg leuk, dat ik mij heb voorgenomen om nog zo’n kans te grijpen om naar ‘t buitenland te gaan. Anders creΓ«er die kans wel…….;) De meeste van jullie weten vast wel welke bestemming dat zou kunnen gaan worden…..tja het plan blijft bestaan voor AustraliΓ«, hihih πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

“Whenever I prepare for a journey I prepare as though for death. Should I never return, all is in order”.

Tot ziens en de groeten van

To be on a quest is nothing more or less than to become an asker of questions. πŸ˜‰