Memories of Asia

Did you know that…?

  1. rice originates from Asia and is the oldest staple food in this region?

  2. East Timor belongs to the Asian continent and not to the Australian?

  3. Russia “won” Second Wold War against the cost of more lifes than any country ever in a war?

  4. Mongolia was the biggest empire ever in history ruled by Chinggis Khan? So, not the English empire ruled by their stupid queen.

  5. Vietnam was the only country in SE Asia never to be occupied by any power (except for the French period; they should have kicked their ass)

  6. betel nut was not only used for narcotic effects but also in social activities such as weddings and funerals? Not sure if you were allowed to spit on the body or so…

  7. the first inhabitants of Asia came from polynesia?

  8. Latvian, Lithuanian, Burmese, Thai, Khmer, Lao, and Javan language originated from the old language “Sanskrit”?

  9. Hinduism cannot be acknowledged as a religion in Indonesia, since it is not based on the “one God” principle?

  10. land leeches only exist in SE Asia, East Australia, and Japan?

  11. Borneo is the name of an island which belongs to three countries: Indonesia (aka Kalimantan), Brunei (independent sultanate state), and Malaysia (aka Sarawak & Sabah)

  12. “Angry Birds” can be found all across Asia and that it originally comes from Finland?

I think this was enough statistics for today. I hope you enjoyed it! Follow my adventures in Australia, same place, same website. Happy travels! See around the globe.


From Down Under, Albany WA